| Introducing Computer Science to the Public |
The Process of Creating An AP Course |
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Computer Science is now a large, rather amorphous field that no longer divides
into tidy compartments like 'theory' and 'systems'. Consequently, identifying the most fundamental
content, formulating it in a teachable form and testing it is not a simple matter. The process
used for the CS Principles course is careful and broad-based.
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The sole justification of teaching, of the school itself,
is that the student comes out of it able to do something he could not do before. I say do and
not know, because knowledge that doesn't lead to doing something new or doing something
better is not knowledge at all.
-- J. Barzun ("Begin Here")
As stated by the College Boards commission charged with creating it, the goals for the new CS Principles
course are
- Not to be a replacement for the current AP CS A course
- Must be a course for which college credit and/or placement is given (AP)
- Not designed as a required course for majors
- Designed to appeal to a vastly larger and more diverse set of students
The process employed by the Commission to develop the course and exam
can be formulated in terms of the roles of the various participants. For the purposes of this
discussion, these are
- Commission
- Advisory Groups
- Piloting Instructors
In the next part we describe roles of the commission.
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Don Allen Troy HS CA |
Christine Alvarado Harvey Mudd College |
Stacey Armstrong Cypress Woods HS TX |
Owen Astrachan Duke University |
Charmaine Bentley FDR High School TX |
Amy Briggs Middlebury College |
Rich Kick Newbury Park HS CA |
Mark Guzdial Georgia Inst of Tech |
Jody Paul Metropolitan State |
Chris Stephenson Exec Dir CSTA |
The Commission
The ten member Commission, composed of both high school and college faculty,
set the overall direction for the effort. There primary activities were
- Develop the Curriculum Framework (Big Ideas, Computational Thinking Practices, Claims and Evidence)
- Review project evaluation data (e.g. College Curriculum Study and course pilot data) to revise the
Curriculum Framework
- Recommend prior knowledge and skills for success in the proposed course.
The two main results of the commission's efforts that are described here are the
Big Ideas, which sets the intellectual scope of the Computer Science to be covered in the exam,
and the Six Computational Thinking Practices, which describes
the habits of mind and skill set of people knowledgeable in Computer Science.
The commission proposed to use the following timeline to pace the effort:
Advisory Committee
Duane Bailey Williams College |
Tiffany Barnes UNC Charlotte |
Gail Chapman Director CSTA |
Tom Cortina Carnegie Mellon |
Stephen Edwards Virginia Poly |
Dan Garcia UC Berkeley |
Joanna Goode U of Oregon |
SusanneHambrusch Purdue |
Michelle Hutton President, CSTA |
Deepak Kumar Bryn Mawr College |
Jim Kurose U Mass Amherst |
Andrea Lawrence Spellman College |
Richard Pattis UC Irvine |
Eric Roberts Stanford University |
Katie Siek U Colorado at Boulder |
Beth Simon UC San Diego |
Larry Snyder U of Washington |
Lynn Andrea Stein Olin College |
Fran Trees Drew University |
The Advisory Committee
The nineteen member Commission, composed principally of college faculty,
vetted the work of the Commission including the Seven Big Ideas and Six
Computational Thinking Practices documents. The Advisory Committee was
responsible for
- Review and provide feedback on the Curriculum Framework
- Develop draft curricular requirements
- Develop an annotated course outline for pilot courses
- Recruitment for Pilots
- Piloting instructors develop sample syllabi for pilot courses
A principal result from the Advisory Committee is an annotation of the course
content. Three themes encapsulate the "spin" that the Committee placed on the
A key theme of
the Principles course is its focus on creativity. The Big Ideas and
Computational Thinking Practices that follow hint at the creative nature of computing
and computer science, yet alone they cannot truly convey how we hope creativity
should be addressed in the course. It’s not enough for students to know that
“computing requires creativity.” Rather, we want them to actually be creative: creating
artifacts that they want to show off to their friends and family, using simulation to
explore questions that interest them, and designing and implementing solutions
employing the iterative and sometimes messy process that artists, writers, and
engineers use to translate ideas into tangible form.
Technology to Solve and Create
A second theme is the course’s use of technology as a means for solving computational
problems and exploring creative endeavors, rather than a focus on a specific tool or
language. To that end, the course highlights programming as one of the seven big ideas
of computer science, because programming is among the creative processes that help
transform ideas into reality. Programming will be a tool students use to explore
concepts and create exciting and personally relevant artifacts. In contrast to traditional
college introductory CS courses and the current AP CS A course, the Principles course
will not focus on nor be organized around a specific language. The instructor of the
course will select one or more languages, based on appropriateness for a specific
project or problem and according to guidelines provided as part of the course
specification. Language specifics will be taught only to the extent that students need
them to produce their programs. Similarly, students in this course will work with "big-
data"—to analyze it, to visualize it, to draw conclusions from trends in it—but the
course itself does not specify particular tools for these explorations.
Broad Appeal
A third theme that will help the course appeal to a broad audience is the course’s focus
on people and society, not just on machines and systems. Students will explore
computer science’s relevance to and impact on the world today. They will investigate
the innovations in other fields that computing and computer science have made
possible. They will examine the ethical implications of new computing technologies.
They will perform activities that develop their communication and teamwork skills.
Students in this course will work individually and in teams to solve problems. They will
talk and write about their solutions, the importance of these problems and their impact
on the world.
Piloting Instructors
Tiffany Barnes UNC Charlotte |
Dan Garcia UC Berkeley |
Jody Paul Metropolitan State |
Beth Simon UC San Diego |
Larry Snyder U of Washington |
Piloting Instructors
As detailed in the timeline above, there will be multiple phases of piloting of the new
course in order to have ample opportunity to assess and evaluate the teachers, students
and materials.
- 5 college-level pilots in academic 2010/2011
- 10 college-level pilots and 5 high school pilots in academic year 2011/2012
The first piloting instructors were selected from the Commission and Advisory Committee
after a careful evaluation process. All have been active in the issues of teaching computer
concepts to general audiences. Each will collaborate with a high school teacher.
The pilot instructors main responsibilities are
- To develop a specific curriculum for a college course based on the material developed earlier
- To develop materials and activities for the course, and make them publicly available
- Participate in assessment and evaluation studies
- Evaluate engagement with students, especially women and minorities
- Keep a log of the events and experiences with the course
Check out the five piloting schools and instructors.
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| Contact: snyder at cs dot washington dot edu |